The following video essay on the “The Late Capitalism of K-Pop” by a Youtube channel called “Cuck Philosophy” gives some interesting historical insights on the development of K-Pop. And links this development with related critiques on consumerism such as the work of Baudrillard.
I discovered this video through a recent podcast from “Pretty Much Pop” on “The Korean Wave”.
Vox made this important video where they “deconstruct one particularly popular chart of covid-19 cases around the world which uses a logarithmic scale, and explain how to avoid being misled by it.”.
The following video is a fascinating collection of prognoses by journalist Rex Malik on the impact of new computer technology on society.
Allowed to grow old is a project by photographer Isa Leshko. In this project she made photographic portraits of farm animals. These animals usually never have the chance to grow old and I found them very moving.
In the following interview from 1981, Michel Foucault gives a brilliant and eloquent overview of his philosophical project.
In de volgende video deelt filosofe Eva Meijer haar ideeën over de coronavirus pandemie.
“Outtakes” from interviews by David Hoffman on the streets of New York in the late 70s when he was doing a documentary on the coming of the information age.
The Washington Post published a video that shows “How Fox News has shifted its coronavirus rhetoric”.
For weeks, some of Fox News’s most popular hosts downplayed the threat of the coronavirus, characterizing it as a conspiracy by media organizations and Democrats to undermine President Trump.
In all, it has been a complicated dance for a network whose hosts are among Trump’s most ardent boosters and defenders — an increasingly challenging position to take as the crisis grew in magnitude. Trump, meanwhile, has long looked to Fox News and its personalities for guidance and approval, a dynamic that may have been pivotal this week after host Tucker Carlson reportedly visited with the president in person to urge him to take the coronavirus seriously.
Watch the following great short film “The Neighbors’ Window”, which won an Oscar award. The film is based on a real story that was told on Love + Radio podcast. I listened to that story a long time ago, so watching the film gave me a strange déjà-vu experience.
Bijzondere reportage te zien op VPRO Tegenlicht, “Worstelingen van de Groenmens”. Erg herkenbaar ook bij mensen die ik soms tegenkom en hun conflicten over vliegen, recyclage, etc.. Zelf denk ik dat er soms te veel nadruk ligt op dat soort keuzes die we maken in ons consumeren of “consuminderen”. Maar gaat het denk ik uiteindelijk voornamelijk over hoe we onze levenswijze drastisch kunnen herzien met een herwaardering van deugden die niet berusten op consumeren en individuele welstand.
Ons consumptiegedrag moet op de schop. We weten immers welke schade en ellende we veroorzaken aan het klimaat met het eten van vlees, het kopen van luxegoederen en citytrips. Hoe krijgen we de broodnodige gedragsverandering voor elkaar zonder veel comfortverlies? Over de dagelijkse dilemma’s en hoofdbrekens van de Groenmens.