
This article from The Guardian presents an interesting case on if a company can fire a worker for refusing to use biometrics, in this case for time clocking.

Mozilla created a nice new website to see to how creepy gadgets for the gift season can be. Read about it here.

Have been using in combination with DuckDuckGo as an alternative to Google. They just launched a new design which is pretty neat.

The ‘revolution’ will not be Telegrammed” via @WikiTribune.

Recommended reading by @edri “You gave #Facebook your number for security. They used it for ads.” via @EFF.

The European parliament group GUENGL raises concerns about the proposed interoperability proposal of EU commission and how it will link information collected for different purposes for the sake of migration control and crime prevention.

Privacy Badger Now Fights More Sneaky Google Tracking 🥳 via @eff.

The Intercept has been reporting on a controversy of a Google version for China with censorship possibilities.

The digital totalitarian state. Good article on China’s social credit system, and nice use of visual elements I must say.

In light of controversy of Palantir sponsoring the Amsterdam Privacy Conference: “Given the political, economic and societal implications of privacy today, the funding strategies of our conferences matter more than ever” Read the full statement here.