Amazing work on showing what labour, resources, etc. really go into artificial intelligence!: “An AI system as an anatomical map of human labor, data and planetary resource” Check it out!
This made me laugh, sooo true 😆 The Real Scandal of AI: Awful Stock Photos.
Mariarosaria Taddeo and Luciano Floridi on the influence of AI on our daily lives: “As it matures and disseminates, AI blends into our lives, experiences, and environments and becomes an invisible facilitator that mediates our interactions in a convenient, barely noticeable way. While creating new opportunities, this invisible integration of AI into our environments poses further ethical issues. Some are domain-dependent. For example, trust and transparency are crucial when embedding AI solutions in homes, schools, or hospitals, whereas equality, fairness, and the protection of creativity and rights of employees are essential in the integration of AI in the workplace. But the integration of AI also poses another fundamental risk: the erosion of human self-determination due to the invisibility and influencing power of AI.”.
Doctoral student Corrine Cath on influence of companies on AI regulation: “A related concern is how much influence these companies have over AI regulation. In some instances, they are invited to act as co-regulators. For example, after the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified before a joint-hearing of the US Senate Commerce and Judiciary Committee about his company’s role in the massive data breach. During the hearing, he was explicitly asked by multiple Senators to provide examples of what regulation for his company should look like.” Read more here.