Explore feature removed, (sub)genres gone, “popular on GPM” in my Listen Now, bad radios in Europe… Bye bye @GooglePlayMusic 😢
From @michael_nielsen on Twitter: “Spotify docs: “The field filter tag:hipster can be used… to retrieve only albums with the lowest 10% popularity””
Cool insights on how Google is now able to do offline realtime visual translations via @googleresearch.
Some interesting insights about creating a modern UI by @erikdkennedy on Medium.
I’ll probably never be able to go back to bash now that I’ve experienced the awesome features of fish. Give the fish shell a try as well!
Interesting initiative from @notfoundorg to help find missing children. The error 404 page of @BGamesFestival has been given a better use.
The Economist on a muslim minority that are being persecuted: The Rohingyas: The most persecuted people on Earth?.
An older, but fascinating article from The Atlantic on the diamond industry that debunks the myth created around their value: Have You Ever Tried to Sell a Diamond?
@jeffweiss & @etmillin at FOSDEM “Your hopes and dreams are crushed by the boot heel of proprietary software”.
First time at the #FOSDEM event today. Some interesting talks & nice atmosphere, to be repeated next year.