
Nice refresher on pure functions in #Javascript by Eric Elliott on Medium.

Thank you @blipsofadoug, for all of your hard work on the Express project.

Video on Youtube where Nodejs members discuss the future of the foundation and the tech.

Reading State of the Art JavaScript in 2016 by Francois Ward

Always lived near Molenbeek so found this article at POLITICO Europe quite nice; Molenbeek broke my heart.

Some lessons from #npm on how they moved to a #microservices architecture in #nodejs.

Nice examples in this post of new #es6 features coming soon to Nodejs. Destructuring & spread will be fun!

Jez Humble (@jezhumble) on teams: “Who’s on a team matters less than how the team members interact, structure their work, & view their contributions”.

Google DeepMind: Ground-breaking AlphaGo masters the game of Go.