New Nodejs release! From @_ericelliott, “93% of ES6 features are now supported in Node v6”: World’s Fastest Growing Open Source Platform Pushes Out New Release.
“It’s about time we stopped draining our own talent pool.”. Another nice article on diversity problems in the tech industry: Stop Acting So Surprised: How Microaggressions Enforce Stereotypes in Tech.
Thoughtful read about the reasons for lack of diversity in Tech. We really need to change perceptions. Have a look at this fascinating article: Born for it: How the image of software developers came about.
So long #Javascript XMLHttpRequest, hello Fetch! 👋
Writing good commit messages, 7 important rules I’m using now as well:
Learn quite a bit of new git commands and options I didn’t know yet from this article.
Really cool and visual talk on the concurrency model of Javascript.
Interesting: tracking rejected promises that are not handled by a catch block in the browser and in @Nodejs. Read more here.
Lovely story of oh-my-zsh came about. Thanks @robbyrussell ! #zsh #open-source
A good example of how micro-libraries can be great in this article on lodash.