In light of controversy of Palantir sponsoring the Amsterdam Privacy Conference: “Given the political, economic and societal implications of privacy today, the funding strategies of our conferences matter more than ever” Read the full statement here.
Went to a great lecture today with BROODJE FILOSOFIE (Studium Generale) at the University of Twente on Immanuel Kant.
The physical side of the internet infrastructure - submarine cables. Impressive visualisation.
The Washington Post on Elon Musk: Elon Musk is the ‘poster boy’ of a culture that celebrates ‘obsessive overwork.
Universal basic income would just do more harm I think and I also think this alternative of Universal Basic Services is what we really need:"Access to sufficient services to enable universal safety, opportunity and participation". Learn more about it here.
I also switched back to Firefox earlier this year, and happy with all the privacy by default it gives. The containers and privacy by default options are just great!
Clicks accept - “Oh it’s just the terms of service of all the apps printed on the ground” via @internetofshit.
This made me laugh, sooo true 😆 The Real Scandal of AI: Awful Stock Photos.
Fun read at Brainpickings: The Untold Story of Cryptography Pioneer Elizebeth Friedman
Via @1843magazine: the old supersonic Concord plane that could fly from Paris to New York in about 3.5 hours as a symbol for the Jet Set lifestyle and indifference to the environment. Read about it here.