
The ‘revolution’ will not be Telegrammed” via @WikiTribune.

@Europarl_EN takes historic stand against #singleuseplastic #pollution!”, but please resists the lobbyist now. Via @rethinkplasticalliance.

How to make art more valuable: have it involved in a public spectacle. But this his hardly new, see the story of the Mona Lisa and how it got popular after it was stolen.

In effect, the auction house, with the support of Banksy, brought together the split ends of contemporary art: the work of traditional craftsmanship and the art-event, with its reactionary social media hue and cry.” More here.

I have to say that my breakfast doesn’t really change much. Fun article on changes in breakfast habits around the world.

Just did my yearly donation to @Wikipedia. Following Tymothy Snyder’s Rule 15 against tyranny: “Contribute ti good causes”. I’m supporting free knowledge! Click here if you also want to donate!

Nice video on what mainstream yoga imagery usually leaves out , via @kottke.

Recommended reading by @edri “You gave #Facebook your number for security. They used it for ads.” via @EFF.

Today I’m at the eu-LISA conference. Lunch break now waiting for the next session on interoperability. My question from this title though would be: “Will this mean less value for “other communities”?” @euLISAconf #eulisaconference.

eu-LISA conference interoperability session

The European parliament group GUENGL raises concerns about the proposed interoperability proposal of EU commission and how it will link information collected for different purposes for the sake of migration control and crime prevention.

Privacy Badger Now Fights More Sneaky Google Tracking 🥳 via @eff.