
Some people in Brussels are probably dreaming of this kind of changes to cycling infrastructure: “How Sevilla Became a Bicycle City in Just 18 Months”" Via @Kottke.

A good example of invisible work - The History of Female [Movie] Editors.

Wired article on a new tool so see “bots drive conversation during news events”.

The obsession with shopping for hidden treasure pictures is drastically changing these spots.

On metaphors and platforms: “Metaphors don’t just highlight a comparison — they also downplay the aspects they don’t capture. And “platform” papers over some of the big questions social media raises.” More here.

Look at these beautiful photos of the human impact on the planet (cfr. anthropocene) in this article from the Guardian: “Burtynsky’s unsettling large-scale images of industrial-scale extraction, urbanisation and deforestation reveal humanity’s devastating impact on the planet”.

Via @EU_Justice on new initiative for addressing work-life balance in the European Union and to “encourage a better sharing of caring responsibilities between women and men”.

On a larger scale than this article from the NY Times, this is one of those things that worries me when governments try to digitise classrooms: “It could happen that the children of poorer and middle-class parents will be raised by screens, while the children of Silicon Valley’s elite will be going back to wooden toys and the luxury of human interaction”.

Via @BrunoLatourAIME: “A long piece in the NYT by Ava Kofman on BL’s complex relation with science: the title is strange but the piece is very detailed and fair.” Read the full piece.