
Welcome initiative for responsible use of “smart city data”. Tada!

A Syrian artist returns to his hometown to survey the damage and finds out what it’s really like to live, and paint, in a war zone.”.

Via @kottke: “A Venn diagram of life advice in the form of Beatles lyrics. “Let It Be” is universal advice for almost any situation.”.

The Conversation article on the first gene-edit baby and how we need more responsible research: “Hard work is now needed by scientists, ethicists, policymakers and the public at large to figure out how to reverse this trend and return reproductive medicine to a path of responsible research and innovation.”.

Mozilla created a nice new website to see to how creepy gadgets for the gift season can be. Read about it here.

Not every robot needs an AI, they can also be used for inclusive reasons. Check out this article: “Pop-Up Café In Tokyo Will Allow Severely Disabled to Work Using Robotic Avatars”.

Via @openculture: Check out these free digitised art books from The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

In The Hague church, preachers have been speaking day and night since the end of October in order to provide shelter for an Armenian family, as the government is not allowed to interrupt a Church service on the grounds of deportation. Read more here.

Just going through some of the prep material for my upcoming workshop on data management when all of a sudden:

A victim of modernist urban planning and architecture in Brussels: lavish halls that were replaced by a bland parking, which itself is now demolished again. Read more about it here, including some impressive pictures.